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Fortuhane Red Line LB

RED LINE LB is a polymer with high resistance to cut, impact and abrasion that allows repairs to the load covers or return of the conveyor belts and rubber liners. In the same way, it allows to extend their useful life, avoiding or reducing prolonged times related to operational stoppages such as vulcanizations.

Fourthane Black Line

BLACK LINE, is a polymeric compound of fast curing, of two solid components, formulated based on epoxides reinforced with small beads of Ceramic and Silicon Carbide, specially designed to protect from abrasion, due to the effect of fine abrasive particles, handling equipment of materials.

Fourthane Silver Line

SILVER LINE, is a polymeric putty with high resistance to abrasion, impact and cut. Specially designed for SAG, ball mills and other massive applications.

Fourthane HEX Line

HEX LINE, are 6 or 12 mm high purity hexagonal ceramic paddles, plus an elastic polymeric adhesive with very high adhesion, resistant to impact and chemical attack. Excellent solution for the repair of parts exposed to wear.

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Barón de Carondelet Oe3-39 Quito, Ecuador

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