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Services for Continuous Operational Improvement

For the Ecuadorian Mining Industry

APD Proyectos, Cia. Ltda. relies on its strategic ally, MAXMA, a leading company in the mining market in Chile, to offer Audit and Diagnosis, Training and Business Engineering services to the Ecuadorian mining market.

Audit and Diagnostics
Audit and Diagnostics
Audit and Diagnostics

Designed to deliver relevant data to companies or their suppliers in order to assisting senior management in their decision-making process.


Designed to transmit Mining Culture, structure Social Management and develop Strategic Communication Plans, through an Educational Platform.

Business Engineering
Business Engineering
Business Engineering

Classifying companies within the specific demands and specifications determined by our clients. Distinguished by its focus on people, through the allocation of resources to Safety, Health, Diversity, Inclusion and Legal Compliance, differentiating between regulatory requirements in Ecuador rivalled to Chile.

Experience and Integrity

Having both, National and International experience in consulting, training, and business development.

Sustainability and Responsibility

We work towards Sustainable Development, assuring minimizing the environmental impact.

Social Sensitivity and Teamwork

We believe in human talent, thus offering professional training and consulting services.

Our Values

Our values ​​as APD Proyectos Cía. Ltda. combined with those of our strategic partner MAXMA, allow us to offer the Ecuadorian mining industry, services of international excellence.

We Want To Help Our Mining Industry

Contact Us

For this reason, together with our strategic partner, we offer high-quality services to contribute to a pillar industry in our country.

Located At

Barón de Carondelet Oe3-39 Quito, Ecuador

Contact Us

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+593 980683592
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