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Infrastructure and Energy Services

Thanks to our strategic partnership with SIPETROL S.A., we can offer quality comprehensive engineering design services. We are EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) specialists. As well as inspecting, managing and administrating our clients’ resources.

Within the construction arena we offer equipment provision, machinery, and human talent. We offer topographic specialists, geologists, large scale civil works, as well as electromechanical, electrical and control works.

We offer operation and maintenance for roads and bridges, power generation, as well as, air, land and river logistics, procurement, quotes, and warehousing.

Design, Engineering, and Field Studies

Design, Engineering, and Field Studies

Comprehensive engineering design, specialists in the EPC

Construction and Supplies

Construction and Supplies

Equipment provision, machinery, and human talent

Operation and Logistics

Operation and Logistics

Industrial operation, maintenance of works, manage, supervise and administer the resources of our clients

 45 years of Combined Experience

45 years of Combined Experience

We bring together experience, effort, and professionalism


 Quality and Guarantee

Quality and Guarantee

We offer proven quality services



We work towards our social and environmental commitments

Hydroelectric Projects

Vast and ample experience in large and important hydroelectric power plant developments, including detailed engineering works, earthmoving, civil works, supplies, machinery and equipment, startup, operations control, and maintenance.

The strategic alliance with APD Proyectos Cía. Ltda. allows to expand the business lines in order to contribute to Ecuador’s development of the extractive and energy sector by offering integration consulting as a platform for competitiveness and opportunity for new business.

Experience, Quality and Commitment

Contact us

Learn more about our Design, Engineering and Studies services; Supplies and Construction; Operation and Logistics

Located At

Barón de Carondelet Oe3-39 Quito, Ecuador

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+593 980683592
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